Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fluent interfaces and Method Chaining in C#

Humans are lazy and programmers are humans J . We like things which are simplified and clean. So if you see the evolution of programming, we initially started with functional programming, and evolved towards object oriented programming.

So as functional programmers where we used to remember methods and function names like “Add”, “Subtract”, “Multiply” and “Divide”, in OOP we just need to remember class “Maths” and all functions just pop out when we create the object of the class.

But as object oriented programmers we need to remember there are two worlds in OOP, one who creates the class and second who consumes it by creating the object.

So by following good OOP principles like abstraction, encapsulation etc developer writes the below “Customer” class so that other developers who consume this class should not feel it complicated.

public class Customer
        private string _FullName;

        public string FullName
            get { return _FullName; }
            set { _FullName = value; }

        private DateTime _Dob;

        public DateTime Dob
            get { return _Dob; }
            set { _Dob = value; }

        private string _Address;

        public string Address
            get { return _Address; }
            set { _Address = value; }

Now the consumer who want to consume our “Customer” class will create the customer object , set properties and invoke methods.  Below is the sample code for the same.

Customer customer = new Customer();
customer.FullName = "Shiv";
customer.Dob = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2008");
customer.Address = "Mumbai";

Now let’s zoom on the above consumer code. Is it complicated?, probably not if you are C# developer or a object oriented programmer.

But what if your consumer is a tester who really does understand c# and would like to have more simplified interfaces to invoke your customer class for UNIT testing purpose.

What if you are component seller and you would like to surprise your component consumers with simplified interfaces. You would like to stand different from your competitors.

Welcome to the concept of “Fluent interfaces”.

“Fluent interfaces simplify your object consumption  code by making your code more simple, readable and discoverable.”

So if our component consumers can write object invocation code in simple English sentence like below , that would “ROCK” right.


So now the next thing how to we implement “Fluent” interfaces. That’s done by using “Method chaining”.

“Method chaining” is a common technique where each method returns an object and all these methods can be chained together to form a single statement.

So the above customer class we can wrap in another class (“CustomerFluent”) which will implement method chaining and expose chained methods in a simplified format.

So you can see in the below code methods “NameofCustomer” , “BornOn” accept input s and return backs “CustomerFluent” class.

public  class CustomerFluent
        private Customer obj = new Customer();
        public CustomerFluent NameOfCustomer(string Name)
            obj.FullName = Name;
            return this;
        public CustomerFluent Bornon(string Dob)

            obj.Dob = Convert.ToDateTime(Dob);
            return this;

        public void StaysAt(string Address)
            obj.Address = Address;

Now your client code is simple, nice and FLUENT as in the below code.


I have seen four visible uses of fluent interfaces:-

LINQ Queries

var x = context.Users.Select(u => new { u.Id, u.Name });

Unit testing


Mock testing

                  .Setup(s => s.Save(new Person()))

DSL (Domain specific language)

DSL is a language for simple users who do not understand programming. So they can type something in simple English as shown below. This will be parsed and checked for syntaxes. Later this sentence can be mapped to a internal fluent interface statement.

task "warn if website is not alive":
      every 1.Hour
      starting now
      when WebSite(" ").IsAlive is false
      then:notify "", "site down!"

Below is the code of the Fluent interface statement to which the above DSL can map.

new FluentTask("alert if site is down")
      .Every( TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3) )
      .StartingFrom( DateTime.Now )
            return WebSite("").IsAlive == false;
            Notify(“”, “site down!”);

Are Fluent interfaces always good?

If you are creating fluent interfaces for developers then probably you are wasting time. Developers are consistent with creating objects with the new keyword and setting properties.  Even if you create something simple for them they are consistent with certain consuming methodology and you will find you are adding more complexity than simplifying it. 

Second thing we need to understand that we need to write more amount of code to create fluent interfaces. As you saw in the previous code I created a separate class for making interfaces simplified.

There are very few instances when you need fluent interfaces, below are few of them:-
  • During UNIT testing when the developers are not full fledged programmers.
  • You want your code to be readable by non-programmers so that they can understand if the code is satisfies their domain logic.
  • You are component seller and you want to stand out in the market as compared to the others by making your interfaces simpler.
  • You are creating a DSL language and this language is mapped with fluent interface statements.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

C# Design pattern interview questions: - What are fluent interfaces and method chaining?

Fluent interfaces simplify your object consumption code by making your code more simple, readable and discoverable.

So for instance let’s say you have a customer class with properties like “FullName” , “Dob”, and “Address”. If you want to consume the class you would write something as shown below.

Customer customer = new Customer();
customer.FullName = "Shiv";
customer.Dob = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2008");
customer.Address = "Mumbai";

But if you use fluent interfaces your client consumption code can be simplified as shown below.


So how to implement Fluent interfaces?

One of the most common way of implementing fluent interface is by using “Method Chaining”. For example below is a simple “Customer” class and let’s say we want to implement fluent interface on the top of it.

public class Customer
        private string _FullName;

        public string FullName
            get { return _FullName; }
            set { _FullName = value; }

        private DateTime _Dob;

        public DateTime Dob
            get { return _Dob; }
            set { _Dob = value; }

        private string _Address;

        public string Address
            get { return _Address; }
            set { _Address = value; }

So we can use method chaining. 

“Method chaining” is a common technique where each method returns an object and all these methods can be chained together to form a single statement.

So the above customer class we can wrap in another class (“CustomerFluent”) which will implement method chaining and expose chained methods in a simplified format.

So you can see in the below code methods “NameofCustomer” , “BornOn” accept input s and return backs “CustomerFluent” class.

public  class CustomerFluent
        private Customer obj = new Customer();
        public CustomerFluent NameOfCustomer(string Name)
            obj.FullName = Name;
            return this;
        public CustomerFluent Bornon(string Dob)

            obj.Dob = Convert.ToDateTime(Dob);
            return this;

        public void StaysAt(string Address)
            obj.Address = Address;

So now your client code becomes something like below.


You can watch our design pattern interview question videos from


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Testing private methods/functions using VSTS unit test with c#

In case you are new to VSTS unit testing, you can read my article from 12 FAQ’s on VSTS unit testing.

Before you make an opinion about me and this article let me admit I am a strong opponent of unit testing private methods. For me a “UNIT” in unit testing means the “Class” as a whole. So if I test public methods of the class the private methods get tested as well.

It’s like should we test the wall or should we test individual bricks of the wall. Logically if the wall stands then the bricks are doing good as well.

But then there is a saying:-

So we have some other school of thought who think “UNIT” can be lines of code and methods. So they think that if you are testing private methods it’s ok and ethically right. And also many times you are in some weird situation like you are trying to zero on the method where the defect is ? , private testing seems to be a reasonable solution.

So with due respect to the second school of thought this blog will discuss how we can test private functions /method using VSTS test.

For example below is a simple “Maths” class which has an “Add” function. This “Add” function does not allow negative numbers. So to check if the number is negative there is a simple private function called as “IsNegative”. So how do we test “IsNegative”  through VSTS unit test framework?.

public class Maths
        public int Add(int num1, int num2)
            if(IsNegative(num1) && IsNegative(num2))
                throw new Exception("Number should not be negative");
            return num1 + num2;

        private bool IsNegative(int num)
            if (num > 0)
                return true;
                return false;

In order to invoke private methods in VSTS unit test we have a class called as “privateobject”. Create the object of “PrivateObject” class and pass the class whose private method needs to be invoked. You can then use the “PrivateObject” object to invoke the private methods / functions as shown in the below code.

PrivateObject o = new PrivateObject(typeof(Maths));
bool b = Convert.ToBoolean(o.Invoke("IsNegative", -1));

FYI internally “PrivateObject” uses reflection to invoke the private members.

As said previously, unit testing private methods means there is seriously something wrong in the class design. This is also a sign that the class is overloaded with lot of responsibility and is not following SRP ( single responsibility responsible ). 

In this case the “Maths” class should only be doing arithmetic operations (Add, Subtract etc), but it is also loaded with responsibility of doing validation. So probably it’s a good idea to move the validation to a separate class called as “Validator” who will do the numeric checks and then use this class inside the “Maths” class.

You can then write test cases on the “Validator” class separately which is a cleaner approach than the previous approach of using “PrivateObject” and invoking them via reflection.

public class Validator
        private bool IsNegative(int num)
            if (num > 0)
                return true;
                return false;

Below is a simple video I have created which shows how to use “PrivateObject” class to invoke the private methods.