Saturday, August 16, 2014

Things you will miss in ASP.NET MVC as an ASP.NET Webform developer


No CodeBehind

No Server controls

No Page life cycle

No ViewState


I have been a great fan of ASP.NET Webform development but for past 2 years ASP.NET MVC is the talk of the town. If you are new to MVC start here and if you want to learn MVC super-fast start here.

Note: - If ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForm vocabulary is confusing please read this before moving ahead :-

When I started ASP.NET MVC development it took lot of time as an ASP.NET webform developer to get adjusted and acquainted with ASP.NET MVC development thought. This article walks you through some important mind set changes you need to make when working with ASP.NET MVC.


No CodeBehind

The whole thought of MVC is to get rid of behind code. Because behind code is not reusable , not testable .So when you add a view / UI in MVC is you will be find no behind code. You will find “.ASPX” but there is no “ASPX.CS”. You will find CSHTML but there is no CSHTML.CS.

Now the time we say “No Behind code” this has a cascading effect. The remaining points are the after effect of “No code behind” concept.

No Server controls

ASP.NET webform Server controls was always a life savior. It was like a magic where you drag and drop and you are done.Now because we do not have any behind code server controls will not be seen in your tool box. You have to use HTML to create your MVC UI. The maximum support officially you have currently is HTML Helper classes , you can read about it from here.

You can use server controls on an ASPX view but it’s not advisable as it will generate inline code behind again defeating the purpose of MVC.

No Page life cycle

Because we do not have behind code there is no such thing as page life cycle in ASP.NETMVC.In ASP.NET Webform the first hit comes to the Page and then rest of the things happen. ASP.NET Webform is UI first approach while MVC is class first approach.

In MVC the first hit comes to the controller class and then to the UI. So all the logic of page life cycle goes in the controller.So no more discussion on page life cycle and which event what code needs to be written.

No ViewState

There are no automated generated hidden fields like viewstate. We have more robust and fine tuned way of session management viewdata , tempdata ,viewbag and session variables. You can read more about them from clicking here.

Want to Learn MVC in 2 days start from this video

Friday, August 15, 2014

ASP.NET VS MVC – Vocabulary confusion

If you have clicked on this article thinking that ASP.NET is the old thing and MVC is the new thing then you need to seriously read this article.

Recently I was taking Learn MVC in 2 days in Andheri Mumbai and I saw lot of participants thinking ASP.NET is different and MVC is different. During the MVC training many were referring ASP.NET as the old thing and MVC as the new thing. But actually they are one and the same thing.

ASP.NET is a web framework of Microsoft and MVC is a visual studio code template to  write code using MVC architecture style. The proper name of OLD ASP.NET is “ASP.NET webforms”. So ASP.NET webform is the old ASP.NET with behind code and MVC is the new thing.

This is also very much evident when you create an ASP.NET Web project using visual studio. In visual studio you will see two different templates one with the name “ASP.NET Webform” and the other with “ASP.NET MVC”.

Note :- Web and Webform are one and the same thing.

If you want to learn MVC step by step start from the below link