Had a real horrible three days
--- Server crashed the same day when my kid had a birthday.
--- Whole night went in restoring the server ( continious 12 hrs not sleeping). Was not able to even say happy birthday to my kid because next day i spent sleeping.
--- Later when i reached office wrote a very offensive ( not bad words but...) mail to my female colleague ( she is really good , she had no idea what happened the previous night).Damn why did i do that ?. Thats a different thing i talked with her seperately.
I am really tired not able to write anything......I think its time to leave the company which can not give me my family pleasures ????? Thinking shall i surf http://www.naukri.com/ or is it the right time to jump in to full time writing....
Looks like sign of resignation.......
learnt 3 things :-
-- Control your anger.
-- Have a good DR plan
-- Never show you know lot of technical.
I have worked with you for 3 years. The only time you leave a company is when it comes on your family.....If i am not guessing wrong looks like you will leave....Just kidding shiv...
Cool these are temp things they will just go off.
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